Hey two in one day, Just venting cause probably no-one will read this so the fuckin law dogs and the sheepizens won't wail. My best friend is a single mom, one hell of a women. This slimy shit for brains pouge she is in love with threatened her and the kids. I slipped in while they were sleeping, the pouges back was clear for a shot to the kidneys. But she woke up and asked me not to hit, I had a 6 foot staff with a sharp end. I am nothing if I spend myself for the kids and her it's a good deal. Why in the fuck does she care about this pouge. He isn't a good lover, does not work. Why in the fuck do really great ladies fall for this crap! Why won't she go along with me breaking him around the edges even, not killing the pouge just breaking him around the edges to teach the fuckhead a lesson. He won't even stand up to me twice his age and half his size. Hell she does not want me to put the dogs on his ass like I do for any varmit up to the size of a coyote. Owell now I have vented, sooner or later I'll catch him alone.

Thank you for the support on my set, I really appreciate it!!