I ahd a squirrel get into the electric transformer behind my house! There was a loud bang and there went the power. The electric co. just got it fixed. I thought the squirrel was cool we don't have many of them too bad, so sad he is fried now. I put up a bunch of wid plum jelly this year and it came out pretty well. I am feeling pretty hot right now this was my first try at jelly making.We had a tornado last tuesday, hell all year with no bad storms and it gets to fall and away we go. It missed my home by about 12 miles for which I am so happy.
More Blogs
Thursday Jan 26, 2006
I got my taxes done and filed this sunday, it only took me about a ha… -
Saturday Jan 07, 2006
Today a friend asked me what he could do to keep skunks out of his ya… -
Thursday Dec 22, 2005
When I got to work today I found out I made it through my probation a… -
Sunday Dec 18, 2005
This week was a real experience. I had a welder have a heart attack. … -
Sunday Dec 11, 2005
Oh well I am just a guy at least Gwyn didn't mind me trying to get i… -
Saturday Nov 12, 2005
My best friend Gywn broke up with her boyfriend this week, he is a je… -
Saturday Nov 05, 2005
A lousy week at work I ever thought being supervisor would be such a … -
Saturday Oct 29, 2005
Strange day, all sorts of critters out and about. On the way home fro… -
Sunday Oct 23, 2005
Got Gywn an outfit from the local Harley shop. I even got the size, a… -
Tuesday Oct 04, 2005
A busy time these last two weeks, I drilled 350 acres of wheat mostly…