I ahd a squirrel get into the electric transformer behind my house! There was a loud bang and there went the power. The electric co. just got it fixed. I thought the squirrel was cool we don't have many of them too bad, so sad he is fried now. I put up a bunch of wid plum jelly this year and it came out pretty well. I am feeling pretty hot right now this was my first try at jelly making.We had a tornado last tuesday, hell all year with no bad storms and it gets to fall and away we go. It missed my home by about 12 miles for which I am so happy.
More Blogs
Tuesday May 23, 2006
I got my new camera now all I have to do is figure out how to put pic… -
Tuesday May 09, 2006
This week I will have a 1600 $ bonus on friday! I am going to fucking… -
Saturday Apr 15, 2006
Well I'm done feeling sorry for myself 18 months will pass quickly an… -
Thursday Apr 06, 2006
The law finnaly got around to me. A year and a half ago they found me… -
Thursday Mar 30, 2006
I am finnally getting around to updating. The bleacher job at the new… -
Thursday Mar 16, 2006
Work is really busy not only is this the time of year that everyone n… -
Tuesday Mar 07, 2006
What a weekend, it will take quite a bit of this week to recover. I h… -
Wednesday Feb 22, 2006
What a wek aready, I got home monday night-tuesday morning and found … -
Monday Feb 06, 2006
A hell of a week. I had to fire my first person. Hell we build scafol… -
Thursday Feb 02, 2006
Another day has passed and I survived. All night at work I was on and…