Well living in Scotland I certainly know all about rainy days! It was just something we dealt with when I was younger because we were used to it. We would still get the waterproofs on and go for walks to the park and my mum would try and get me to avoid every puddle - unsuccessfully 😂
Now on rainy days my favourite thing to do is read a good book. I always have a book on the go (it's probably my favourite thing to do when it's sunny outside too) I also like to play a wee game on the Xbox (most likely the witcher 3) or I try and catch up with my crafting business, creating lots of pretty frames for people's houses and lately even tried my hand at sewing, so I can sew some cute lingerie for you all to see in my new sets 😏
My all time favourite thing to do when it's absolutely horrible outside, when the wind is crashing and the rain is pouring is lay in my bed and listen to it. There is nothing better than being all cosey and warm in your bed covers and hearing the disaster unfold outside.
What do you like to do when it's miserable outside?
@missy @rambo