I spent my first thanksgiving alone, and i've decided that it's going to definately something that i'm never going to subject myself to again. Thanksgiving is all about friends and family gathering around, and even though i adore my cat, she doesn't talk so very well. I had to experience this, just this once, and now i know. I like people around me, and I...
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Ohh. I'm sorry. I went to a kinky orphan's thanksgiving. That was fun. Kinky friends, one could be open. No fam. tension. It was nice.
I hope next time is better for you.

Sometimes the hardest thing to do is to tell someone we are in need. Our pride usually gets in the way and causes us heartache. I'm lonely too. Sorry you had to spend your holiday alone. You would have been welcome at my house.

Mondays are good at work as a general rule. the kids are excited about being away from their parents for a bit, but the younger ones still cry all of the time. i can't wait until it stops.
i want it to rain
i want it to rain
Today was even better since many of us are starting a four day weekend. Much fun ahead. I still think you're lovely.
Winter is always so much more enjoyable when you have someone warm to curl up to or around or whatever. It's really then that You realize that value of another human body besides yours.
my cat tries to fill in this possition, but she's so very small that it really doesn't do much of any good.
I used to hate fall. I used to hate...
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my cat tries to fill in this possition, but she's so very small that it really doesn't do much of any good.
I used to hate fall. I used to hate...
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You need a bigger cat, like a tiger!

Not a bad plan......hmmm..... or a snow leopard
What an insane weekend. Yet i didn't do anything, it's funny how that works. A night of babysitting on Saturday, and many trips to thrift stores today. Life can't get much better than that.
it has been a long time since i went to a trift store. They are getting so exspensive that tj, maxx, marshals, and ross actually are close in affoardability.
I had to babysit one of my roommates, it was soo annoying, but she feels better now.
Movies.. secretary..awesome flick. great study of b&d and how to balance it.
I had to babysit one of my roommates, it was soo annoying, but she feels better now.
Movies.. secretary..awesome flick. great study of b&d and how to balance it.
Read through your profile a bit, and got this strange twinge that you we're kinky.
Imagine that? Anyway, enough with the jokes, I was going to let you know there's a BDSM group on SG. Occasionaly I post PDX area events there, like the Vanc. Munch and the such. If you're interested, you should join.

Read through your profile a bit, and got this strange twinge that you we're kinky.

so i thought i'd try this journal thing out....dunno how it will go, but it should be fun. i want to be a suicide girl, but i want to check out the site and just hang for a bit first.....but perhaps i'm too curvy...everyone on here are twigs.....we'll see what happens....
Yesterday i got completely drenched on my way to work. I found that living in the northwest Portland means that the streets flood whever there's heavy rains. So, i finally broke down and bought an umbrella....depressing, yet true. I'm definately one of those Portlanders who believes that you should experience the rain, not hide from it. I do like the rain, but working all day long in wet jeans isn't my idea of fun.
The rain sucks sometimes, but in the long run it is worth it. and i also love to just let the rain come down on me. it feels almost cleansing, or freeing cus you stop rying to stay dry ad just accept the rain.