I love the Central Library!
Today I spent half of the day wandering around amid stacks of books, researching child development and exploring all of the possiblities that were available to me. I got sucked into the children's book section, like always, and it was just so neat to touch hundreds and hundreds of books that I could take home with me for free.
I also got out too many DVD's, but they now have a collection of 2200 in stock and growing, and this time I picked up Talk to Her, Matchstick Men, and X2, along with some others. Hooray for Movie night!
Today I spent half of the day wandering around amid stacks of books, researching child development and exploring all of the possiblities that were available to me. I got sucked into the children's book section, like always, and it was just so neat to touch hundreds and hundreds of books that I could take home with me for free.
I also got out too many DVD's, but they now have a collection of 2200 in stock and growing, and this time I picked up Talk to Her, Matchstick Men, and X2, along with some others. Hooray for Movie night!

I have a friend who works at that library. How was matchstick men? Should I see it?
Oooo City of lost children!! yes that film is beautiful a great one to watch with people who know how to wait to comment until AFTER the film is finished. I have never been to the central library here in PDX. I used to love going to libraries, and just spending hours picking up random intertesting titles and reading bits here and there.