Yeah... yeah.. it's been a while, but hey... i've always had troubles with these darn journal things....
Anyhoo... the sun's out and it's gorgeous. I"m planning on doing some hiking this weekend, but mostly I want to sleep in in the morning.
It's my favorite to sleep in late, preferably with my honey, and wake up and go out to breakfast at some small eatery...
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Going back to work after a holiday is always so tiring. I came home last night and absolutely passed out. Something I don't usually do, since if I sleep too much, I'm worthless the next day. Yet I woke up this morning happy and very well rested.
I guess i was just stressed out from visiting my parents.
Funny the things you don't realize until...
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so do you ever update your profile? lol, just givin ya shit. i never have time to check on my friends profiles so i am not one to comment.
So Christmas is over. And new years is just around the bend. I swear that yesterday was August. Is this what it's like to be old, with time flying by, out of control?
It's not so bad really. I've decided that growing older is a wonderful thing. People stop with the....but you're just 21....or the "You're still so young" I hate that shit. Just because...
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ahh hey dont worry, 40 wont hit you hard or fast.. unless you have kids... then the time will fly by so fast.. and since you do have kids, well I'm really happy for you because I really wish I hadn't gone throught with the hole abortion thing.. even if it meant saying goodbye to college... *sigh* the torment it brings... now I feel old

Finally. It's almost friday. What a hell of a week. I swear it was never going to end. Luckily i have two drink offers from co-workers at dinner on Friday, so that will definately ease things from my mind.
I got my electrictity bill. Yowch. I don't get any more heater for quite some time, until I make up for the over useage that I...
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layers are fun, and a happy thursday to you as well.
Happy Birthday to me.....hmmm... and i'm spending it with my mom. Not exactly my chosen modus operendi, but definately not a bad thing. It's wierd that i've done the typical growing closer with my mom as i grow older thing....but it's actually kinda cool. I'm learning all of these wierd things about my childhood and how i was raised that i never really realized and...
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happy happy birthday
Happy birthday.
Perhaps I will just start calling this my weather journal....but jeezus, that wind this weekend! I spent quite a deal of time curled up on my bed/couch with my kitty watching movies and listening tothe wind howl around my windows. I did go out to do a bit of Christmas shopping and man, I could lean into the wind at a few different times. It...
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The weather was kind of crazy this weekend. I went out to the store to get laundry soap, and it was pretty cold, then I came home and could't find my keys to the laundry room. Irony is sweet especially when thay are in your roomates pocket at work. So naturally today is laundry day.
Happy B-Day!
The weather today was amazing. It felt like living in the tropics on a fridgid day, or something of the like. I find i talk about weather quite a bit, but truly is effects us so much that many of us get annoyed, frustrated or (fill in this blank) with it. I think that if you see the weather, realize what it is, and then...
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The weather dictates so much in life how can you not get a little fixated on it? I mean it is the only segment of the news that every day, has the exact same topic, tru the conditions change, but that is the topic, lol.

Not only that but does anything other than a persons figure dictate what they choose to add or wear from a wardrobe?

Ah i love the weather anyways, sat by my window this morning for a half hour just listening to the wind. so yeah definately gotta love this little flying ball we live on.
I felt energy in the dry gusty air. Maybe the power of nature just showing itself to let us realize just how small we really are in the whole scheme of things. smile
This week has been so weird. I swear that today was Friday, yet yesterday totally felt like Tuesday. I hate it when you don't have your time relation right.
I watched a movie called the House of Games tonight. It was an ok Con Man movie, but it was highly cheesy. The main actress in the movie had the worst hair cut, and the most...
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Where's ghia? I always liked reading your journal stuff. Intelligence is wonderful to see and makes me happy say I know you. Peace. frown
Things are going quite well. I'm already tired of the comercialized christmas, but I'll have to get over it. Really I love this season, because I just get so much joy out of giving gifts to those i love, and actually doing the shopping a head of time.
I'm going to the coast for new years this year, which should be a blast. I haven't...
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Glad things are looking up in the snuggle dept. for you. I am having a good start to the holidays also. Still much shopping to do unfortunately. Keep Smilin' kiss
I love the Central Library!
Today I spent half of the day wandering around amid stacks of books, researching child development and exploring all of the possiblities that were available to me. I got sucked into the children's book section, like always, and it was just so neat to touch hundreds and hundreds of books that I could take home with me for free.
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I have a friend who works at that library. How was matchstick men? Should I see it?
Oooo City of lost children!! yes that film is beautiful a great one to watch with people who know how to wait to comment until AFTER the film is finished. I have never been to the central library here in PDX. I used to love going to libraries, and just spending hours picking up random intertesting titles and reading bits here and there.

I spent my first thanksgiving alone, and i've decided that it's going to definately something that i'm never going to subject myself to again. Thanksgiving is all about friends and family gathering around, and even though i adore my cat, she doesn't talk so very well. I had to experience this, just this once, and now i know. I like people around me, and I...
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Ohh. I'm sorry. I went to a kinky orphan's thanksgiving. That was fun. Kinky friends, one could be open. No fam. tension. It was nice. smile I hope next time is better for you.
Sometimes the hardest thing to do is to tell someone we are in need. Our pride usually gets in the way and causes us heartache. I'm lonely too. Sorry you had to spend your holiday alone. You would have been welcome at my house.

Mondays are good at work as a general rule. the kids are excited about being away from their parents for a bit, but the younger ones still cry all of the time. i can't wait until it stops.
i want it to rain
Today was even better since many of us are starting a four day weekend. Much fun ahead. I still think you're lovely.