haven't been doing this @ all, it's been Hottt as hell in NYC.... ughhh disgustingly humid...lol
just been writing a lot and rehearsing with the band, trying to get our shit tight so we can start playing shows with the new lineup... really excited about the songs we've been pulling out of the air. gonna head out to rehearsal tonight as long as the power in the building doesn't keep blacking out! haven't seen any movies lately... need to catch up. anyone see "a scanner darkly" yet? been listening to the new Muse cd... the Dears- no cities left, Bloc Party, the Thom Yorke solo CD (really like it)... can't think of anything else. let me get outta here. xoxoxo
paz dinero y amor
just been writing a lot and rehearsing with the band, trying to get our shit tight so we can start playing shows with the new lineup... really excited about the songs we've been pulling out of the air. gonna head out to rehearsal tonight as long as the power in the building doesn't keep blacking out! haven't seen any movies lately... need to catch up. anyone see "a scanner darkly" yet? been listening to the new Muse cd... the Dears- no cities left, Bloc Party, the Thom Yorke solo CD (really like it)... can't think of anything else. let me get outta here. xoxoxo
paz dinero y amor