I'm getting a new tattoo
Last night I was watching a documentary on Blackbeard the Pirate when I was getting ready for bed and they were going into all the symbols on pirate flags and I totally dug a lot of the meanings, so I decided I was going to do some more research.
I've been looking at the various symbols/meanings and decided on a few I want to incorporate:
Skulls or skull and crossbones - death if the victim will not surrender
Hourglass (2 meanings) - I want to go with the "time is short" idea. Just basically I am going to do what I want to do because we have limited time.
Pierced Heart - No Mercy
Skeletal Dead with Cup - Toasting death. I'm interperting it was I am not affraid to die, and am going to live how I want to live.
So basically after doing that I decided I want it on my left side ribs. I was playing around with shapes and decided I was going to keep the symbols but do it my own way. I want a shield, with a skeleton in armor standing on the skull of his enemy and toasting with a chalace. In the corners of the shield I want to put hourglasses and pierced hearts. I think it would look pretty sweet.
I have no artistic talent so I am going to have to try and explain this to the artist. I'm going to go after work today and see if I can have them draw up something. It's going to be very different than anything I have and I need to find a way to make it flow with whats already there....
I'm pretty psyched.

Last night I was watching a documentary on Blackbeard the Pirate when I was getting ready for bed and they were going into all the symbols on pirate flags and I totally dug a lot of the meanings, so I decided I was going to do some more research.
I've been looking at the various symbols/meanings and decided on a few I want to incorporate:
Skulls or skull and crossbones - death if the victim will not surrender
Hourglass (2 meanings) - I want to go with the "time is short" idea. Just basically I am going to do what I want to do because we have limited time.
Pierced Heart - No Mercy
Skeletal Dead with Cup - Toasting death. I'm interperting it was I am not affraid to die, and am going to live how I want to live.
So basically after doing that I decided I want it on my left side ribs. I was playing around with shapes and decided I was going to keep the symbols but do it my own way. I want a shield, with a skeleton in armor standing on the skull of his enemy and toasting with a chalace. In the corners of the shield I want to put hourglasses and pierced hearts. I think it would look pretty sweet.
I have no artistic talent so I am going to have to try and explain this to the artist. I'm going to go after work today and see if I can have them draw up something. It's going to be very different than anything I have and I need to find a way to make it flow with whats already there....
I'm pretty psyched.