I really don't like when people try to force their beliefs on others.
So heres the story....I'm sitting in my office minding my own business when the accountant's bratty (but smokin' hot) daughter comes in and asks me to "watch her brother" so her and her mom can go to lunch.
I tell her it's an office not a daycare center but I'll do it this one time as a favor.
Anyway she picks up her mom and they go out to do their thing leaving me and this kid I barely know....I have a lot of work to do so I figure if I feed him, then maybe he will just be quiet and sleep or something...Keep in mind this is not a baby, he is 12 years old. I ask him what he wants for lunch and he tells me a cheeseburger. I call across the street and tell them I need a cheeseburger delivered.
He eats the burger and loves it, and I go back to doing my work. All of a sudden I just hear a scream like someone is getting murdered. Hot bratty daughter and her mom have returned and the mom is literally crying. I was like thinking someone died and asked what happened and do you know what this lady tells me....
I just lost it and broke down laughing so hard cause this lady's eyes are bugging out of her head and I was like "he asked for a cheeseburger". To which she replied "WE HAVE VEGAN CHEESEBURGERS!!!" That is one of the most idiotic statements I have ever heard. A cheeseburger is beef and cheese. Whatever the hell they call a "cheeseburger" should be called "veggie soy pattie" or something because I do not want the cheeseburger's good name being dragged through the mud here.......
I talked her down, but I like to think I did my part in making that kids life a little better. If he was a vegan for personal reasons cool, I can respect that but how can a parent tell their kid they need to avoid all meat and dairy because they have a moral objection. I don't know how anyone else feels but I think as long as no one gets hurt kids should be allowed to make their own decisions.
I personally think girls eating steak is sexy as hell....like if a hot girl was eating a rare steak and drinking whisky on a date I would prob propose on the spot (and I don't even believe in marriage).
So heres the story....I'm sitting in my office minding my own business when the accountant's bratty (but smokin' hot) daughter comes in and asks me to "watch her brother" so her and her mom can go to lunch.
I tell her it's an office not a daycare center but I'll do it this one time as a favor.
Anyway she picks up her mom and they go out to do their thing leaving me and this kid I barely know....I have a lot of work to do so I figure if I feed him, then maybe he will just be quiet and sleep or something...Keep in mind this is not a baby, he is 12 years old. I ask him what he wants for lunch and he tells me a cheeseburger. I call across the street and tell them I need a cheeseburger delivered.
He eats the burger and loves it, and I go back to doing my work. All of a sudden I just hear a scream like someone is getting murdered. Hot bratty daughter and her mom have returned and the mom is literally crying. I was like thinking someone died and asked what happened and do you know what this lady tells me....
I just lost it and broke down laughing so hard cause this lady's eyes are bugging out of her head and I was like "he asked for a cheeseburger". To which she replied "WE HAVE VEGAN CHEESEBURGERS!!!" That is one of the most idiotic statements I have ever heard. A cheeseburger is beef and cheese. Whatever the hell they call a "cheeseburger" should be called "veggie soy pattie" or something because I do not want the cheeseburger's good name being dragged through the mud here.......
I talked her down, but I like to think I did my part in making that kids life a little better. If he was a vegan for personal reasons cool, I can respect that but how can a parent tell their kid they need to avoid all meat and dairy because they have a moral objection. I don't know how anyone else feels but I think as long as no one gets hurt kids should be allowed to make their own decisions.
I personally think girls eating steak is sexy as hell....like if a hot girl was eating a rare steak and drinking whisky on a date I would prob propose on the spot (and I don't even believe in marriage).
thanks much!
LMAO. I love your blogs. It's official.