Old Factory
My second set was uploaded!!
Thank you very much, Andrea. This set is sooo beautiful
I look so different, hihihi
This set was rejected, but... however
For me it isnt bad, cause I looove my pics... but for Andrea... I think it is very sad for her, cause it is the second rejected set from her with me
Iam so happy now and I...
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My second set was uploaded!!
Thank you very much, Andrea. This set is sooo beautiful

I look so different, hihihi
This set was rejected, but... however

For me it isnt bad, cause I looove my pics... but for Andrea... I think it is very sad for her, cause it is the second rejected set from her with me

Iam so happy now and I...
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merry christmas and a great and happy new year
Ohh congrats lady

Odd Factory
Hopeful Set
Next blog entry... the second um genau zu sein!
Thank you all for your support
Its going on...
I got a mail and maybe SG wanna buy my set
Andrea has to upload this set again and then we will see... in some weeks you can see my second set AND I think I will have in some weeks a shooting again, but this time...
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Thank you all for your support

Its going on...
I got a mail and maybe SG wanna buy my set

Andrea has to upload this set again and then we will see... in some weeks you can see my second set AND I think I will have in some weeks a shooting again, but this time...
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na das klingt doch mal gut

You're welcome, Gg. You are very sweet and it was a pleasure to meet you and Netti.
And when you come, just let me know, we can meet.
I met Krystal, she's very cute! Actually she is a friend of my flatmate, I am sure you will make excellent pics.
Bis bald!
And when you come, just let me know, we can meet.
I met Krystal, she's very cute! Actually she is a friend of my flatmate, I am sure you will make excellent pics.
Bis bald!

Hey girls and guys,
my first set is rejected
but you can vote for me!
When do you like me and my pictures do it for me! Vote and write a nice comment (pls not the normal "i love it bla bla bla")
This is Andrea, my photographer: Andrea Lavezzaro
Please vote for us, cause her work is sooo awesome
Cheers and see you at...
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my first set is rejected

When do you like me and my pictures do it for me! Vote and write a nice comment (pls not the normal "i love it bla bla bla")
This is Andrea, my photographer: Andrea Lavezzaro
Please vote for us, cause her work is sooo awesome

Cheers and see you at...
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Indonesian & German? Interesting mix. I am wondering, now, what the raw number of Asians (well, Germans with (East & Southeast) Asian background) in Germany is. Considering you, & just recently, the Korean-German grad students that have moved into the third-floor flat at my parents's place, it seems there are at least three more than I expected. (I am kidding.) I did know that after WWII there was a fair amount of mixing between non-white (& white) GIs & Dutch & German, etc., women, but I didn't think that the new populations in Deutschland would extend to immigrants from further east than Turkey. Nice to be proved incorrect in my guess, though.
Du, keine Ahnung ob wir uns kennen, wahrscheinlich (noch) nicht, aber bei SGGermany gehrt es sich auf jeden Fall mal hallo zu sagen!