have one month left I should have taken more advantage of the year that SG gave me to meet them.. generate more photos! try to get red. I couldn't my friends!
I'm not just a suicidal woman. I am also committed to my life. my life partner Argerto. But especially with my son and stepdaughter. I'm a mom yes! This year was the first of my son's life
"pleasant moment " was and is my best work of art. Personally, it was a rebirth. "I had been a mother, I had become a means for another being to survive, but I had distanced myself a little from my sexual being. ". By posing for that Set, it was the birth of geygi. I found myself stronger, sexier.
I asked why I didn't get to win. They replied that there were things that could be improved, such as light... focus... yes! absolutely right. But to our defense: our set is Amateur. We are in a social network. reality has another flavor, perfection is not a seasoning...
I will not pay a photographer. where is the magic? apart I have to save. needed to fix what breastfeeding left me.... really deep down... something in me was looking for a moment to pose... turn on my suicide mode... . Thanks for reading and love! yours sincerely geygi