I had an arguement with a friend today, and she said that I will never be in a healthy relationship due to my interest in suicide girl photography.
I responded that to be in a relation ship and truely love someone is to be inlove with their dark side.
If a relationship has any form of restrictions that binds one of the two, then resentment will be the ultimate cause of an unhealthy relationship.
I have spent far to many years wasted in a relationship that was conservative and not open to try new things and accept the fact that people and their needs change.
It got me thinking, why is it so difficult to be an individual that wants something different?
And why do people assume that everyone want the same things that they do, and if its not the same, it must result in an arguement ?
It sounds like maybe your friend has some insecurities - but I hope you don't take what she said to heart. Plenty of people here, both members and models have happy, healthy, and enduring relationships. @Fresa met her husband here. @Deadguitarist recently posted a beautiful blog about his wife. Appreciating nudity and alternative culture certainly doesn't stop anyone from having fulfilling connections with others.
What @nebula said ^^^