my girlfriend is at a show tonight. i didn't go coz i need to keep my $$ to pay the rent and bills...
and.. x-mas gifts.. and she's going with her cousin and i don't feel like seeing her.. i dunno, i don't feel good when i'm around her. weird.
she used to be my good friend.. but i guess we both changed...
tommarrow i get to be in a videoclip!!
we have to dress in black clothes and wear sunglasses. sounds like fun!
aww one of my friend's in town and i can't see her tonight.. neither tommarrow. that totally sucks. i hope i get to see her during the holidays. i havent seen her since september.
i can't wait to dye my hair purple and go shopping. lalala. i got pills for my depression. and is it just me or i already feel better after 2days?
ohhh there's a few new SGs yay! my favorite is Edea, i like her hair alot.
well. i gotta go see y'all later! bye xox
ps: sorry for all the smilies

tommarrow i get to be in a videoclip!!

aww one of my friend's in town and i can't see her tonight.. neither tommarrow. that totally sucks. i hope i get to see her during the holidays. i havent seen her since september.

i can't wait to dye my hair purple and go shopping. lalala. i got pills for my depression. and is it just me or i already feel better after 2days?

ohhh there's a few new SGs yay! my favorite is Edea, i like her hair alot.

well. i gotta go see y'all later! bye xox

ps: sorry for all the smilies

Sweet about the videoclip, who's is it? Anyone I might have heard of?
I think that medication can have different reactions with people, so it could be that it really is helping after 2 days! I dunno though. Or maybe you're just feeling good about having something to look forward to? I.e. not feeling depressed? oh, blah, dunno if that makes sense. Anyway, have fun tomorrow!