the Tegan & Sara crew is taking over SG!!! mehehhe.. gosh, my friends are all joinning. that is so cool
too bad i'm just a member for 1month...
damn, if i was rich, i'd join for a year!!
talking of Tegan & Sara, anyone knows when they're comming back to Montral?!!! i'm dying to know!!! Last show they said they'd come back after holidays.....
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too bad i'm just a member for 1month...

damn, if i was rich, i'd join for a year!!

talking of Tegan & Sara, anyone knows when they're comming back to Montral?!!! i'm dying to know!!! Last show they said they'd come back after holidays.....
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weee. tegan & sara fan!! YES YOUUU. onethirdpassion!!!
you're on livejournal arent you?
thanks for leaving me a comment
the videoclip was for the punk band Grimskunk.
yeah. the pills are making me feel better.. but i hate side effects.. nausea, dry mouth and i can't stop yawning. lol. hehh.. but it's not that bad. and on the papers my doctor gave me, it says...
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the videoclip was for the punk band Grimskunk.

yeah. the pills are making me feel better.. but i hate side effects.. nausea, dry mouth and i can't stop yawning. lol. hehh.. but it's not that bad. and on the papers my doctor gave me, it says...
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hmm... well she gave me a hug and said she wished she were gay 'cause that would solve both our problems. LOL. But we're still good friends, and I'm pretty sure she's straight. Oh well, I kind of just had to see where it stood before I could feel comfortable with her again.

Also, I don't get mine by email either, I don't think that option's available... buuut, when I repond to people, I just repond on their latest entry so they see it

my girlfriend is at a show tonight. i didn't go coz i need to keep my $$ to pay the rent and bills...
and.. x-mas gifts.. and she's going with her cousin and i don't feel like seeing her.. i dunno, i don't feel good when i'm around her. weird.
she used to be my good friend.. but i guess we both changed...
tommarrow i...
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tommarrow i...
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hehe, the smilies are great!
Sweet about the videoclip, who's is it? Anyone I might have heard of?
I think that medication can have different reactions with people, so it could be that it really is helping after 2 days! I dunno though. Or maybe you're just feeling good about having something to look forward to? I.e. not feeling depressed? oh, blah, dunno if that makes sense. Anyway, have fun tomorrow!

Sweet about the videoclip, who's is it? Anyone I might have heard of?
I think that medication can have different reactions with people, so it could be that it really is helping after 2 days! I dunno though. Or maybe you're just feeling good about having something to look forward to? I.e. not feeling depressed? oh, blah, dunno if that makes sense. Anyway, have fun tomorrow!

i want to get my girlfriend a bathsuit like the one Kristina (sg model) has.. you know the black & white one. sooo cool.
she saw it and she was sooo jealous.. i better find her one before x-mas :p
heh.. Kristina reminds me of my girlfriend. she's sooo adorable. hehe.. she's my favorite i think. and i loove the kristina & marie video.. in...
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heh.. Kristina reminds me of my girlfriend. she's sooo adorable. hehe.. she's my favorite i think. and i loove the kristina & marie video.. in...
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Oooh! Hi! It's Kinnie from LiveJournal land
So cool to find you on this!

So cool to find you on this!
i want to get my girlfriend a bathsuit like the one Kristina (sg girl) has.. you know the black & white one. sooo cool.
she saw it and she was sooo jealous.. i better find one before x-mas :p
heh.. Kristina reminds me of my girlfriend. she's sooo adorable. hehe.. she's my favorite i think. and i loove the kristina & marie video.. in the...
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heh.. Kristina reminds me of my girlfriend. she's sooo adorable. hehe.. she's my favorite i think. and i loove the kristina & marie video.. in the...
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where are mylittle pink 'wake up' pills when i need them?!!
i'm addicted to cafeine. but it's bad for my tummy. outch. but i can't help it. i just joinned. i needed to check some stuf.. {all night
and now this morning i have to go to the library and find a book about something i like.. ha. i know. i'll find kids story...
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i'm addicted to cafeine. but it's bad for my tummy. outch. but i can't help it. i just joinned. i needed to check some stuf.. {all night

and now this morning i have to go to the library and find a book about something i like.. ha. i know. i'll find kids story...
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hi. welcome to toys 'r us.. uhh. i meant.. welcome into my world.. well.. i guess this is going to be a SG member only journal.. maybe not.. who knows?
i'd write more.. but i need to go sleep.
i'm meeting gorgeous girls.. named tegan and sara today. oh what a nice day
*snicker* candy kids are very welcome.. *waits*..
come on leave me comments....
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i'd write more.. but i need to go sleep.
i'm meeting gorgeous girls.. named tegan and sara today. oh what a nice day

*snicker* candy kids are very welcome.. *waits*..

come on leave me comments....
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Awww, only 1 month!
I don't know when they'll be back on the east coast, but I hope soon!! haha, yeah, you should become an SG model and then direct T&S to the page and they'll be so flattered to have a real live SG talking to them