I had the worst day ever.
To make a really, really, REALLY long story short..
SPOILERS! (Click to view)
I went to camp out at the mall with my 2 friends to see The Jonas Brothers, because we're awesome and had nothing better to do and though it would be fun.
We lasted about 5 hours outside in the FREEZING cold and pouring rain before we packed up our lawn chairs and left.
I couldnt see anything on the way home because of my defrosters being broken and the torrential down pour.
I got lost in the fucking ghetto.
Got home at 5:30am, soaking wet, all I wanted to do was sleep.
Got woken up at 9am, forced to come downstairs into the cold kitchen to get yelled at over something that was an honest mistake.
Got into a huge fight with my cousin.
Was basically told I was useless, lazy, and disrespectful, and if I dont change my ways Im being kicked out.
Was followed into my room by my cousin while I was crying so he could keep yelling at me.
Went back to bed, slept till 4:30.
Got invited to go out to dinner, went to pull in my driveway, but couldnt see anything because of my lack of defrosters like we discussed before.
Thought I judged the size of my driveway accurately.. didn't actually.
In turn, I ruined the fuck out of my neighbors lawn.
Went over there crying and apologizing, because they just had the whole thing ripped up a few months ago and had all new grass planted.
And, Im home alone, which has its nice points, but I hate it because my house is scary at night. Its old and makes a lot of weird noises that frighten me.
Yes, thats the short version.
Hope the New Year makes you smike more hon