FFFFUUUUCKKKKK I am sooooooo Bored. I cant stand working anymore. I work every fucking Day And I dont even have enough money to buy a half pint of Hennessy. What the fuck givesssss. How do people not work and still have money. I want to get some work done on my Tattoos soooooo Bad. But if I did that then I couldnt even put gas in my car. And it's Christmas which is great becaus its Jesus's Birthday. But why does every idiot insist on making a big deal out of the Holiday when they dont give two shits about JESUS. Instead of giving presents we should give worship and praise to our Savior. And if you dont beleive that Why The FUck are you Celebrating Christmas. This doesnt make any Fucking Sense. Its like going to someones Birthday party and Celebrating Yourself....... Anyways Merry Christmas!!!!!
i did get it... im gna reply when i get the time.. i like alot of the same movies as you dud.. and cathrine headwick did thirteen and lords of dog town... i love her style i also jus watched ken park again haha i love lary clark and harmony korine. u liek them?? wasuuup i need a copy of ur movie dude
Fortunatly it was good...thank