The Butterfly Exhibit

Me and My Boyfriend at The Zoo.
Me and my very Opposite Arabic Boyfriend. It amazes me that we have made it through the last two years. Believe me it has been rough. His family is very unexcepting of me and my tattoos and of course the fact that I am white. Since he lives with them and takes care of the it makes things hard.
I hate fucking RACIST uneducated, close minded people.
I hate them but I forgive them.
If we are meant to be then we will be together. I just wish I knew for sure. I want to get married and have lots of children. And I am not getting any younger. And it is a fact that if you are 30 and have kids the chance they will be retarded is like doubled. Not that I have anything against retarded people but I would like normal children.
I always imagined my offspring doing things like becoming The President or Acting in my Films.
Wikipedia can explain what a fractal is better than I - Fractal Thankfully you don't need to understand them to make them.
I use a program called Apophysis to create fractals and then use photoshop to enhance the look.
If your interested you can download the program for free here - apophysis
I've just been to a Spanish Film festival and saw a couple of great short films that have inspired me to get back into making some more of my own.