Hello All...
I'm still really busy at the same things again and again, so I don't have much new to say. Except the fact my hair became reddish (I'm in the process of being blonde), but since I don't have any cam, that doesn't mean anything to you....
When I do have free times, I enjoy vampirizing people... My first try was one of my best friends:

I've tried many times to make her as a zombie, but it could never work. I made her into a vampire, and damn, she makes me horny like that
... And that's my neck there, because she had a closed shirt... 
And since I especially love vampires, and kind of miss my dear Ophelie, I decided to make her too as a vampire... What a femme fatale ♥

Both made in Gimp. I'm really loving this program. Because it works, and because it's free. Yay.
That's all for now!

I'm still really busy at the same things again and again, so I don't have much new to say. Except the fact my hair became reddish (I'm in the process of being blonde), but since I don't have any cam, that doesn't mean anything to you....
When I do have free times, I enjoy vampirizing people... My first try was one of my best friends:

I've tried many times to make her as a zombie, but it could never work. I made her into a vampire, and damn, she makes me horny like that

And since I especially love vampires, and kind of miss my dear Ophelie, I decided to make her too as a vampire... What a femme fatale ♥

Both made in Gimp. I'm really loving this program. Because it works, and because it's free. Yay.
That's all for now!

I'm glad I can be of some kind of help
Do you know what we should do? Pick a picture and see how both of us will try and vampirise it. Maby something like an artjam in the fanart group. And maby more people are interested in the idea. You pic the picture if you want. I'm in