I've got some new pictures from this week-end!
I did them with a really nice photographer I've met on ModelMayhem, Eric Daoust. Those are only the samples he sent me, so stay tuned, I'll show you my favorite ones when I have them. It was a pleasure working with him, and I'm really happy of how the pics turned out.

I may start selling prints (not from those pics), but I'd like to know if I'd waste my time. Would you be interested buying prints from me? If yes, what would you like to see?
Otherwise, I'm finally going back to work tomorrow, and I'm pretty excited about it. I feel like a little girl the day before her first day at school. It's nice.
I had a tear for Benni, who passed away recently. Live fast, die pretty they say. I hope she lived fast.
I did them with a really nice photographer I've met on ModelMayhem, Eric Daoust. Those are only the samples he sent me, so stay tuned, I'll show you my favorite ones when I have them. It was a pleasure working with him, and I'm really happy of how the pics turned out.

I may start selling prints (not from those pics), but I'd like to know if I'd waste my time. Would you be interested buying prints from me? If yes, what would you like to see?
Otherwise, I'm finally going back to work tomorrow, and I'm pretty excited about it. I feel like a little girl the day before her first day at school. It's nice.
I had a tear for Benni, who passed away recently. Live fast, die pretty they say. I hope she lived fast.
Sinon c'est vrai qu'il est pas vident de s'adapter chaque fois que tout a change et en plus c'est le bordel en ce moment, en tout cas j'ai enfin trouv le moyen de lire les blogs en entier, c'est dj pas mal. Ce qui chie c'est qu'on doit faire A puis 6 puis X, puis 45, puis Y pour arriver B. C'tait plus simple avant.
Le weekend approche, ouais!!!!