As I said in the third edit of my last post, next time I had something new to share, I'd start a new blog...
So here I am to brag and show you that awesome little drawing by Bowie:
I totally love it.
I miss having a camera
I suscribed on ModelMayhem a few days ago. If you're a member on there, come and say hi!
Other than this, I continue going to the hospital about 4 times a week. They finally found out what I have, but I stupidely can't explain it in english. It's something going on in my ears that fuck my balance, and that's why I'm always dizzy. I do some exercices daily to put things back in place, and hope to be back on my feet in a week or two.
That's all for now SG world.
So here I am to brag and show you that awesome little drawing by Bowie:

I totally love it.
I miss having a camera

I suscribed on ModelMayhem a few days ago. If you're a member on there, come and say hi!
Other than this, I continue going to the hospital about 4 times a week. They finally found out what I have, but I stupidely can't explain it in english. It's something going on in my ears that fuck my balance, and that's why I'm always dizzy. I do some exercices daily to put things back in place, and hope to be back on my feet in a week or two.
That's all for now SG world.
c'est un problme avec l'oreille interne?
super beau dessin!
Merci, merci en passant...
Puis je sais que c'tait particulirement explicite, parfois mme de mauvais got(...) mais bon, ce set tait aussi bcp pour montrer que je ntais pas juste une mignonne fille aux grands yeux. Les prochains seront moins concentrs sur le raw hotness, ne t'inquites pas... J'aime la varit, tu dois bien le savoir
Puis pour l'instant j'ai encore un peu de mauve, mais c'est sr que je peux avoir un lan de crativit!