Tribute entry dedicated to an amazing SG member, Rikkitikitavi
It's the first time I do this, but it definitely worth it. Go give hime some love, like now!
Why? Because he's fantastic. I first admired him discretely for his amazing artworks (that you can see in the Fan Art Group), but now, I have too many good reason to shout it loud and clear: ''Rikkitikitavi is AMAZING!''
First, he showed how careful he is, by volonteering for a project to help SG Pistolita, who's fighting against cancer. He took his precious time to organize through the Fan Art Group the creation of a ''Pistolita 2007 Calendar'', that you can still buy (or other stuff like prints, magnets, postcards..) on Pistolita's Deviant Art Page.
Just for this action, he deserves a big warm hug.
Second, he helped me out this week, and made me smile a lot. I wanted to create a nice and great portrait for SG Addison, because she didn't have any, and I thought she really deserved one, but I screwed up my drawing and my result was this:

I was really disappointed, and I even tried to computer-clean my drawing, print it and draw over it, but the result was just worst. At this point, I remembered Rikkitikitavi once helped another SG by colouring one of her drawing. I thought: ''Why not?'' and sent him a polite e-mail to see if it was possible for him to do the same for me and my poor drawing. Two days later, this magnificent piece of art was in my inbox:

!!! I couldn't actually believe it was based on something I did !!! I litteraly screamed in front of my computer, and was such a happy girl!
Third (and maybe selfish reason
), when I woke up yesterday, I found out he took his time, again, to draw a beautiful portrait of my humble self. I'm so flattered and honoured

Yeah, this dude is really amazing, and I know he's gonna make people smile everyday again, for a long time still. It's really great to see such people still exist, it's refreshing.
So, Rikkitikitavi, here's my sincere THANK YOU, for everything you've done.
Otherwise, I'm still medicated and weak, but I'm feeling better. Thanks for your kind words everyone
Who are the 5 (yes, only five
) members (not SGs, cause that list would never end) that put up a smile on your face each time you see a comment from them?
It's the first time I do this, but it definitely worth it. Go give hime some love, like now!
Why? Because he's fantastic. I first admired him discretely for his amazing artworks (that you can see in the Fan Art Group), but now, I have too many good reason to shout it loud and clear: ''Rikkitikitavi is AMAZING!''
First, he showed how careful he is, by volonteering for a project to help SG Pistolita, who's fighting against cancer. He took his precious time to organize through the Fan Art Group the creation of a ''Pistolita 2007 Calendar'', that you can still buy (or other stuff like prints, magnets, postcards..) on Pistolita's Deviant Art Page.
Just for this action, he deserves a big warm hug.
Second, he helped me out this week, and made me smile a lot. I wanted to create a nice and great portrait for SG Addison, because she didn't have any, and I thought she really deserved one, but I screwed up my drawing and my result was this:

I was really disappointed, and I even tried to computer-clean my drawing, print it and draw over it, but the result was just worst. At this point, I remembered Rikkitikitavi once helped another SG by colouring one of her drawing. I thought: ''Why not?'' and sent him a polite e-mail to see if it was possible for him to do the same for me and my poor drawing. Two days later, this magnificent piece of art was in my inbox:

!!! I couldn't actually believe it was based on something I did !!! I litteraly screamed in front of my computer, and was such a happy girl!
Third (and maybe selfish reason

Yeah, this dude is really amazing, and I know he's gonna make people smile everyday again, for a long time still. It's really great to see such people still exist, it's refreshing.
So, Rikkitikitavi, here's my sincere THANK YOU, for everything you've done.
Otherwise, I'm still medicated and weak, but I'm feeling better. Thanks for your kind words everyone

Who are the 5 (yes, only five

Edited to add:
Is it the fact that I am sick and bored that people tend to draw me?? Makavelli just surprised me with a beautiful piece of art, a little humiliating for my boy, but it's for the art ♥♥
I'm wordless!
1 Ferretbite
2 Enzela
3 explosiveorchid
4 rpg
5 sunna
C'est de la merde... Es-tu retour a l'hosto? Prends-tu des mdicaments ou quelque chose?
Parce que srieusement, c'est trange tout a.
J'arrive le 16 je sais pas encore quelle heure. Ds que je le sais, je te donne des nouvelles parce que j'aimerais a te voir, mme si ce n'est que pour une heure
Prends soin de toi ma belle, je pense toi, a va mieux aller.