Hello All.
Yeah, I'm still ill and all fucked up.
I went back to the hospital today, and they said that I finally really had a cerebral concussion. So, I still have to stay home until the 10th of March. That's way too long for me without any real physical activity (sex doesn't count).
I feel totally lonely, and since I can't stand up for more than a few minutes, I totally don't know what to do. I feel like I've seen all the videos possible (interesting, so eliminate 95% of the stuff there) on youtube, I feel like I spend way too much time on SG too, and I don't feel like drawing because I'm not satisfied enough with what I came up those last days. I put that on the account of the medications.
Fortunatly, my favorite local writter, Patrick Sencal, just got his last book released this week, so I'm currently reading it, but even that will have its end, and sooner than I would have wished.
Why? Because it is so fuckin good. I really hope someday, his work will be translated in english, cause he writes so well. Anyway, it is called Le vide, (the emptiness) and it is a big socio dramatic book about realityshows and the world nowadays. I can't describe how good it is. If you read french, you should buy it. If you don't like to read (in french, still), well it's a better reason to buy it. Definitely one of the best writters out there.
Other than that, I don't have much things to say... My life is totally boring these days, so you're not interested to hear me complain about it.
I wanted to take pictures of myself to show you how ill and trash I became, but there's no batteries in the camera, so I'll edit my entry later.
Please, make me smile or something.

Yeah, I'm still ill and all fucked up.
I went back to the hospital today, and they said that I finally really had a cerebral concussion. So, I still have to stay home until the 10th of March. That's way too long for me without any real physical activity (sex doesn't count).
I feel totally lonely, and since I can't stand up for more than a few minutes, I totally don't know what to do. I feel like I've seen all the videos possible (interesting, so eliminate 95% of the stuff there) on youtube, I feel like I spend way too much time on SG too, and I don't feel like drawing because I'm not satisfied enough with what I came up those last days. I put that on the account of the medications.
Fortunatly, my favorite local writter, Patrick Sencal, just got his last book released this week, so I'm currently reading it, but even that will have its end, and sooner than I would have wished.
Why? Because it is so fuckin good. I really hope someday, his work will be translated in english, cause he writes so well. Anyway, it is called Le vide, (the emptiness) and it is a big socio dramatic book about realityshows and the world nowadays. I can't describe how good it is. If you read french, you should buy it. If you don't like to read (in french, still), well it's a better reason to buy it. Definitely one of the best writters out there.

Other than that, I don't have much things to say... My life is totally boring these days, so you're not interested to hear me complain about it.
I wanted to take pictures of myself to show you how ill and trash I became, but there's no batteries in the camera, so I'll edit my entry later.
Please, make me smile or something.

Tu me diras lorsque tu voudras ton collier! Je trouve que c'ets une trs bonne ide! je crois faire la mme chose pour ma mre. Quoi qu'elle a dja des tonnes de colliers que je lui ai fait haha.
Comment te portes-tu?
Je reviens a Montral dans genre deux semaines. Je sais pas combien de temps je vias rester, mais ca pourrait etre cool de se voir pour un caf ou un ptit verre, genreeeeeeee.
Je t'en redonne des nouvelles
Prends soin de toi