I lived what I had to live and it is now over. Great.
I now have to assume the consequences of my acts, the consequences for having too much fun.
I have to pay, from my own tears, all the bad I've created in the most virgin and pure heart I've ever known.
I broke it, with my laughs and my screams, I now need to heal it, with ALL the love I can give.
I need time, as it will need time, because even with everything I could give, the scar will still be there.
I am in love, that's what I learned with all this.
I am fuckin in love with someone I may loose because I'm a good person, and it is not my type to say goodbye and never say hi again.
I need your comprehension, as I need his love. Is this clear?
I can be so stupid some times... Fuck that.
I now have to assume the consequences of my acts, the consequences for having too much fun.
I have to pay, from my own tears, all the bad I've created in the most virgin and pure heart I've ever known.
I broke it, with my laughs and my screams, I now need to heal it, with ALL the love I can give.
I need time, as it will need time, because even with everything I could give, the scar will still be there.
I am in love, that's what I learned with all this.
I am fuckin in love with someone I may loose because I'm a good person, and it is not my type to say goodbye and never say hi again.
I need your comprehension, as I need his love. Is this clear?
I can be so stupid some times... Fuck that.
C'est toi qui l'as dit, tu es une bonne personne, Et si c'est pas par mecnahcet que tu blesses quelqu'un, tu n'as rien te reprocher. En plus il vaut mieux verser des larmes alors qu'il est encore temps et non pas se couper les veines aprs parce qu'on est dj trop dans l'affaire.
the person that can explain what love is to me, is not a person but a god. i personally think that no living soul truely knows how or what love is. it keeps changeing perameters.....fucking emotions.