Yay yay yay... I finally got my hair cut, and it feels sooo good...
I'll show you the front, cuz I love y'all and shit, but you'll have to wait until a set that will be shot shortly to see how the back look like.... That's because I still can be someone mysterious... ouuuuuuhhh.. (ok, sorry, I feel really homie tonight)...
Here you go, I don't have hair anymore:

And by this, I'm not asking you if you like it, cause I seriously don't give a shit. I'm happy with it, that's all that matters...
I'll show you the front, cuz I love y'all and shit, but you'll have to wait until a set that will be shot shortly to see how the back look like.... That's because I still can be someone mysterious... ouuuuuuhhh.. (ok, sorry, I feel really homie tonight)...
Here you go, I don't have hair anymore:

And by this, I'm not asking you if you like it, cause I seriously don't give a shit. I'm happy with it, that's all that matters...
best wishes for everything, xox jen