I just got my kitty from the vet yesterday. She super fine!!!
Her theet are all cleaned, and she's now sweet and healthy! Plus, she had the chance to take some ketamin, lucky cat!!
I really want to thank all those who contribuated to the cat fund.
Without you, it would have been really harder. With your donations, I've accumulated about 150$ (can), so I only had 250$ to pay. Which is really easier for me, since I can pay in separated payments, and since my last set is up so a check is in the mail for me. Yayyyy!
I'm really happy everything ends good.
I'm happy not being sad about this. I love my kitty sooo much ♥♥♥.
I've been active in the hopefuls group recently. I just want to say to all you girls, that I'll be there if you need any advices. I'm not always lurking at the group, but feel free to ask me questions if you want. Good luck !
Besides that, my life is going well. I see less people than I would like to since I am pretty busy, and when I am not, I enjoy being home, with a good cd, good video game or SG. Mehh... I hope this is not me getting older... But I seem to prefer being comfortable with my love at home, than strapped in high heels and tiny dress in the goth club.. I go there for music, mostly, and we can put on some better music here.
what's next? I'll knit and listen to infomercials? but... I already do that. sometimes.......................
Anyway, I'm tired now. I'll go sleep with my loved kitten. Good night, I hope you appreciated the full moon.
I've sit next to a street violonist I admire since about 10 years. He's always there. When I see him, I stop my cd player to listen the magical voice of his violin. So I was there, on the public bench, heartloaded with the emotions of his music, smoking and watching that beautiful moon. That was perfect ♥.
Poste une photo du kitty qu'on voit sa jolie frimousse qui se porte mieux (ouf).