This journal is dedicated to:
Capt Nichola Goddard - age 26
She was killed in combat in Afghanistan. Sometimes Americans forget that they are not the only country that have troops over seas involved in this war. Capt Nichola Goddard is from Canada.
There is a deep respect I have for troops all over the world. Don't care what your politcal believes are and you shouldn't care what mine are. We should both agree to stand behind the men and women from all over the world fighting and doing thier job above and beyond what they are expected to.
She is survived by her husband.
Thank you whitewidow for bringing this story to my attention. Your a sweetheart and thank you for serving.
"When there's nothing on the horizon,
You've got nothing left to prove,
If I lead will you follow?"

Capt Nichola Goddard - age 26
She was killed in combat in Afghanistan. Sometimes Americans forget that they are not the only country that have troops over seas involved in this war. Capt Nichola Goddard is from Canada.
There is a deep respect I have for troops all over the world. Don't care what your politcal believes are and you shouldn't care what mine are. We should both agree to stand behind the men and women from all over the world fighting and doing thier job above and beyond what they are expected to.
She is survived by her husband.
Thank you whitewidow for bringing this story to my attention. Your a sweetheart and thank you for serving.
"When there's nothing on the horizon,
You've got nothing left to prove,
If I lead will you follow?"
i think that when mallen takes photos of your car we have to do the ol'man - ol' lady car scene picture. me with my sunglasses and scarf on my head, you lookin' like a doo wop pimp.
Are we still thinking about doing something this upcoming weekend?