So......what should the theme to this long awaited update be? Well how about some events happening in the near future. The first week in April this guys will be in the Bahamas for five days. Close friend is getting married and I am in the wedding. In the past five years I haven't attended a wedding. In the past five months I will have been in two! The end of April will bring me to a new chapter in my life. At the end of April I will be moving to Wisconsin from Maryland. Looking forward too it a lot. When I make life changing decisions they are usually from the gut. If my gut tells me no then I don't, but if it tells me yes then watch out here I come. I feel really good about moving back home. Haven't lived there in ten years and there are several things I will be doing. Maybe that special someone will be there waiting for me. She may be, but I am not sure. Still working on it. Believe me it isn't just for possible love that I am moving. I have hung out and had a great time in every major city on the east coast except Boston. Recently added Philly to that list on Friday night when I visited South Street and had the very BEST pizza ever. You know when you live somewhere all your life and you know about all the places to go, but you never do? I have done more living here than most locals will do in thier lives. When I did live in WIsconsin I didn't do much or see much. Always told myself I will have plenty of time to do it all. Believe me I am thirty and have so much more to do. Don't put off doing or seeing anything EVER!
So that was a long paragraph that should have been better written!
So why am I home today at 12:30 writing this? Because I am pissed off at my job right now. I do know that there is only three more months of it, but it is still frustrating. Since I am not out on the road full time and in the office closing down one half of the buisness I do have more time. On the other hand because I am in the office my boss likes hanging out instead of getting out there and working. Then at the end of the week he wonders why his sales aren't where they are supposed to be. Frustrating.
Ever watch Pump Up The Volume? Well here is a guy from my home town that has been living it:
Wicked Radio
Go there and request some songs! He will play them. Very cool. Make me want to build another computer and start my own streaming radio station.
Just ordered twenty three cd's from Amazon the other day. Filling in a few collections and discovering new stuff too. Another few more cd's and I will have to find yet another place to put them all. With all the box sets and stuff I am well past 600 and it is growing. With all my downloaded stuff the 18,000 song mark has been busted.
In other news....I have now introduced two friends to good punk and hardcore. These guys always listened too pop country and pop rock stations before. By the end of Friday night they both were singing Story Of My Life at the top of thier lungs. Makes me feel good giving back like that. My sister is responsible for me listening to punk and hardcore. When I heard Social D the first time it just swallowed me up. There was no stopping from there.
Also have decided on the next tattoo. A big WC over my heart. Points goes to the first person to guess what WC stands for.
Long boring update. I am done. Just read the lyrics and be on your way.
Yeh, this one's for the workers who toil night and day
By hand and by brain to earn your pay
Who for centuries long past for no more than your bread
Have bled for your countries and counted your dead
In the factories and mills, in the shipyards and mines
We've often been told to keep up with the times
For our skills are not needed, they've streamlined the job
And with sliderule and stopwatch our pride they have robbed
We're the first ones to starve, we're the first ones to die
The first ones in line for that pie-in-the-sky
And we're always the last when the cream is shared out
For the worker is working when the fat cat's about
And when the sky darkens and the prospect is war
Who's given a gun and then pushed to the fore
And expected to die for the land of our birth
Though we've never owned one lousy handful of earth?
All of these things the worker has done
From tilling the fields to carrying the gun
We've been yoked to the plough since time first began
And always expected to carry the can
just wanted to add the mayor of new orleans wants a "chocolate" city again. what a dick. not a racial or sexist statement, but what a fuckin dick. said that i would never bring politics unto i will shut up now.
So that was a long paragraph that should have been better written!
So why am I home today at 12:30 writing this? Because I am pissed off at my job right now. I do know that there is only three more months of it, but it is still frustrating. Since I am not out on the road full time and in the office closing down one half of the buisness I do have more time. On the other hand because I am in the office my boss likes hanging out instead of getting out there and working. Then at the end of the week he wonders why his sales aren't where they are supposed to be. Frustrating.
Ever watch Pump Up The Volume? Well here is a guy from my home town that has been living it:
Wicked Radio
Go there and request some songs! He will play them. Very cool. Make me want to build another computer and start my own streaming radio station.
Just ordered twenty three cd's from Amazon the other day. Filling in a few collections and discovering new stuff too. Another few more cd's and I will have to find yet another place to put them all. With all the box sets and stuff I am well past 600 and it is growing. With all my downloaded stuff the 18,000 song mark has been busted.
In other news....I have now introduced two friends to good punk and hardcore. These guys always listened too pop country and pop rock stations before. By the end of Friday night they both were singing Story Of My Life at the top of thier lungs. Makes me feel good giving back like that. My sister is responsible for me listening to punk and hardcore. When I heard Social D the first time it just swallowed me up. There was no stopping from there.
Also have decided on the next tattoo. A big WC over my heart. Points goes to the first person to guess what WC stands for.
Long boring update. I am done. Just read the lyrics and be on your way.
Yeh, this one's for the workers who toil night and day
By hand and by brain to earn your pay
Who for centuries long past for no more than your bread
Have bled for your countries and counted your dead
In the factories and mills, in the shipyards and mines
We've often been told to keep up with the times
For our skills are not needed, they've streamlined the job
And with sliderule and stopwatch our pride they have robbed
We're the first ones to starve, we're the first ones to die
The first ones in line for that pie-in-the-sky
And we're always the last when the cream is shared out
For the worker is working when the fat cat's about
And when the sky darkens and the prospect is war
Who's given a gun and then pushed to the fore
And expected to die for the land of our birth
Though we've never owned one lousy handful of earth?
All of these things the worker has done
From tilling the fields to carrying the gun
We've been yoked to the plough since time first began
And always expected to carry the can
just wanted to add the mayor of new orleans wants a "chocolate" city again. what a dick. not a racial or sexist statement, but what a fuckin dick. said that i would never bring politics unto i will shut up now.

I have always wanted to go and visit Philly, unfortunately we've just never gotten around to it.
Did you watch the 7 pound dildo clip as well?