By the time I was eight I could tell it was too late....I was all ready barking up the wrong tree. Absent from daddy spanked my bare ass. It was a hot summer night in mid July....a hang over and a blackeye. Your momma said I was a loser....a dead end cruiser. Deep inside I knew she was right. I was born too loose.
Some good things that have happened this week:
- bought a new sleeping bag for the football game tomorrow night in Morgantown West fuckin Virginia. GO WV! It says that the bag is good for -5F tempretures....thats like -40C I believe.
- had a hell of a good deep dish at Uno's last night
- my boss gave me his airline miles for my trip at the end of the year. bestest boss ever.
- Saw Walk The Line. Think KikiBh said it the best. When you are young you can't understand Johnny Cash. You have live through all the hell and shit live can throw at you. If anyone wants too see Walk The Line let me know.....I will see it again.
- After leaving Morgan town on Friday morning I will be driving to New Jersey to spend the rest of the weekend fixing a race car...or whatever you want to call it.
I want to play in a band again. Selective covers and a lot of original stuff. Just need to be steered towards some people with time and instruments.
Becoming a piss drunk cock a little too. My bottle of Makers Mark is over half gone. Got it on Saturday night. Guess I am not too light weight right?
Hope everyone out there in the United States has a great and safe Thanksgiving. There is supposed to be crappy weather so be careful driving. What a bad day to have the first snow......Thanksgiving. Thousands will be learning how to drive in snow again during the busiest(who knows if I spelled that right....can't spell..... :blackeyed
travel day of the year. Can you say BUMPER CARS ON ICE!
Have a good weekend....I'll be back on Sunday night.
Don't let them gettcha down.
Some good things that have happened this week:
- bought a new sleeping bag for the football game tomorrow night in Morgantown West fuckin Virginia. GO WV! It says that the bag is good for -5F tempretures....thats like -40C I believe.
- had a hell of a good deep dish at Uno's last night
- my boss gave me his airline miles for my trip at the end of the year. bestest boss ever.
- Saw Walk The Line. Think KikiBh said it the best. When you are young you can't understand Johnny Cash. You have live through all the hell and shit live can throw at you. If anyone wants too see Walk The Line let me know.....I will see it again.
- After leaving Morgan town on Friday morning I will be driving to New Jersey to spend the rest of the weekend fixing a race car...or whatever you want to call it.
I want to play in a band again. Selective covers and a lot of original stuff. Just need to be steered towards some people with time and instruments.
Becoming a piss drunk cock a little too. My bottle of Makers Mark is over half gone. Got it on Saturday night. Guess I am not too light weight right?
Hope everyone out there in the United States has a great and safe Thanksgiving. There is supposed to be crappy weather so be careful driving. What a bad day to have the first snow......Thanksgiving. Thousands will be learning how to drive in snow again during the busiest(who knows if I spelled that right....can't spell..... :blackeyed

Have a good weekend....I'll be back on Sunday night.
Don't let them gettcha down.