That sticker has been laying on my dresser for a few months now. Every morning I walk past it and notice it. Few days ago it looked like a great tattoo. With a little modification it will be on my upper arm or right side of my chest. The card playing stuff will be taken out, since I am not a card player at all. Will add something in it's place. Man's Ruin.
Also I have decided to stay on here because it isn't my problem it is theirs. One person won't get me down like that. Especially on the freakin internet.
Worked on the room mates car all yesterday and night. It might run today and boy will it be fast. What was he doing while I worked on HIS car from 2 pm-10pm yesterday? Well he slept until 5 pm and then went out to a Halloween party with his married girlfriend. Nice. So before he left for the Halloween party he offered to pay me for doing the complete build of his car myself. I said, "No, don't worry about it". I can't and won't be bought that easy. He is going to come crashing down when she:
a) is divorced and realizes she is 23 and wants to be a 23 year old and not a 30 year old. There is a HUGE difference.
b) realizes she wants to be with her husband and he was just a thing to help her make that decision(as fucked up as that seems, it does happen)
c) realizes what a control freak he is and how on edge he gets. first time he snaps at her she is gonna bolt.
Ok.....just had to get that off of my mind.

Going to try to finish his car today and get it on the road. Doubt if it will happen just because there is just so much more to do. I would tell you what I have done, but you guys would think that I just built a car from the ground up. No big whoop.
What else?
People who lead other people on because they don't know what or who they are need to be punched in the nose. What a fuckin joke and a waste of time they are.
Out to the garage I go....anyone wanna help?


what song is it? please tell me, please.

i don't but i should, no look at the new picture