I've got a good feeling about this job I've applied for and I got thinking about what I'm gonna spend my money on. My gf wants me to take her on a shopping trip to Ann Summers I wanna set up an airsoft team (if you're interested just send me an email) so I'm gonna buy myself an airsoft AEG but I'm torn between an... Read More
Drunk, yet again! My girlfriend has gone on holidy and won't be back untill saturday. What is a boy to do? I finally got around to applying for a job. Send me good luck waves and I might actually get it The Olympics are on, who thinks we're gonna get a medal in the rowing?
the olympics are dull, but i support our country, we only do good in crap sports anyway, i do archery but im useless we have only sent one archer to athens this year cos we are rubbish at it, its a lady archer but have forgotten her name.
At least she wont be biting or hitting you while shes gone unless your into that then uh i'll drop by alittle later and knock a brother out.
Have a great humdy hump day!
My girlfriend is coming over tomorrow (yay!) I really love her (sigh) We get to spend the whole day together alone. Then on Wednesday Im having a get together, so I expect to be hungover when I go to her house on Thursday, where Im probably gonna stay untill Saturday.
I was talking to my gf on the phone earlier and she was telling me... Read More
I'm pissed on Spitfire I was thinking about tattoos today. I'm getting a double headed eagle across my shoulders and swastikas on my hips. I don't believe in the swastika as a racist sign, I think nazis hijacked it. I believe in it as a good luck symbol.
I'm not fighting with anyone. I'm over it. There are some things that are just unforgivable. All I wish for is that the parties involved grow the fuck up and realize that I dont give a god damn about them and their petty attempts at malevolence.
I just found out that a couple I know are pregnant, I'm over the moon for them but at the same time worried
You see I almost had a kid with an ex of mine, we were looking forward to it when 5 months in she miscarried. I felt like my guts had been ripped out when she told me, I got depressed , she... Read More
I don't think I'll ever get over my miscarriages and sometimes i think it's making me kinda scared to try again. I so know how you feel sweetie. u have all of my love when it comes to this
All I wanna do is get stoned but my mate went out to get some and the fucking dealer skanked him so I'm looking for someone who breaks shins to help me teach him a lesson Aside from that I'm bored and I wanna know what you guys think I should do
I've just seen the MILF appreciation thread on the dirty talk board. Go... Read More
I had an amazing time. I almost got run over by a SS Tiger tank. Had a ride in an M1 Abrams and I got to play with lots of guns How was everyone elses week?