Wow, that seemed like such a long time! Well life's got worse since I was last on here. You remember I do roadie work for a friend at his gig company and for his band, well he died a couple of weeks ago while taking on his girlfriend's birthday, he'd taken her to Paris for the weekend.
Not a great pic of the man, you can find a better one on the Shellshock website
I'm still single and a I was turned down for a job I was told would be held open for me untill I came back. I want to leave and I need to know if anyone will let me move in?
Not a great pic of the man, you can find a better one on the Shellshock website
I'm still single and a I was turned down for a job I was told would be held open for me untill I came back. I want to leave and I need to know if anyone will let me move in?
Keep your chin up with the JOb things tho! remember, if nothing else works out.....Move to london and be a rent boy...apparently it pays well