This weekend was a TOUGH one!! My kid brother was involved in a head-on highway (speed) crash with a careless fucking driver (I'm still mad) who swerved into his lane. Miraculously, despite totaling his vehicle, he spent two days in the trauma hospital so they could monitor him for internal bleeding. He went home yesterday... all beat up and sore as fuck, but NO broken bones, NO head trauma. The two people that hit him in the other vehicle didn't fair so well... they had to air-lift one of them right from the scene of the accident. My brother's vehicle is completely destroyed, but he'll be (mostly) OK. He's one tough son of a gun!!! I was so stressed out!
The photo of the dark blue image is my brother Trail Blazer... completely smashed in the front. The other photo is of the scene of the crime... the smashed white vehicle hit my brother head on. You can see the helicopter that was needed to fly one of the two passengers out. I can't say enough that it was a miracle that my brother wasn't injured worse!
I hope I don't get any more of those weekends!