Fourth of July here, and in Southern California, every neighborhood is BLASTING fireworks for most of the night. As powerful and bright as they all are, there must be some secret source where people can spend all that money to make the bigBOOM-BOOM!! As I'm typing this right now, it's almost 10:30 at night... non stop blasts going on outside. Some that even rattle the windows of my home. But today, as I was browsing the internet, a model I've worked with before and posted pictures of here, posted some new pics. I really like the way she looks, but even though it's been four years since we last worked together, she doesn't look a day older. She may even look better than when we worked together!! Made me go look through the archives which then gave me the urge to pull and edit a couple additional pics.
With Covid, it's been tough to get together and do shoots. I'm happy to see that things are getting better enough around here so that we can do those things we enjoy. So, who wants to shoot? :)