As a former musician... and even as someone who (decades ago) worked in the food industry, I understand how beneficial and rewarding tips can be. I consider myself a generous person, and my wife and I always tip well when we go out to eat. Ever since SG set up the tipping option here, it has presented a bit of a dilemma for me. I hope that this post will serve as a start point (if one hasn't already been posted) and open a dialog for us all to voice our opinion or ideas... or simply agree with what I say here. But PLEASE contribute your thoughts in the comments here.
This is my Tip Toilet (haha!) or Tip Pot. As a musician, even a dollar or some change can add up, and if enough contribute, you can end up with some decent "coin". SG is a wonderland with MANY (and I do mean, MANY) gorgeous models. On one hand, my generous part of me wishes I could pass out 20 dollar bills to all my favorites (I have MANY favorites). But in reality, there's NO way I could afford that. I don't know that there are many that could. Not everybody could tip all the time... or even at all.
So, my concern is to tip, but not offend if the tip doesn't seem to warrant the quality of content from that model. Let's face it, if even 1 in every 4 who comment or "love" the set contribute a dollar, that model stands to accumulate a nice amount. But do models get offended with only a dollar tip... or if a certain member doesn't always tip for every set? I posted this to get a feel of what is expected. Is everything OK? Or are there some who have certain expectations. I hope you'll comment with your ideas, expectations or simply to encourage positive feedback..
The floor is now open...