So I cut the shit out of my hand at work the other day. Friday night, about to get slamming busy right when we open.
SO what do I do? Say "Offline for 5!" and walk down to the basement to patch up my hand.
Some gauze, paper towels, roll of tape, and a few rubber gloves do my some justice.
There's a lot of blood. Either way, went through the night painfully.
When I get home, I rebandage it slightly better. Here's pictures!
The work bandage
As you can see, there were a lot of things to soak up the blood and provide barriers.
The bandages, after they were taken off.
And my thumb. I got the knuckle, deep. I still can't bend it.
Photos from last night of the healing process
Yay working in kitchens with sharp knives!
Other than that.. a few days in review.
Beer is tasty. I love it so. I've been drinking as much tasty beer as I can lately since as of Monday I won't be drinking for the month of Feb (with the exception of the 6th, it's one of my very good friends weddings, and these thing only happen once a lifetime) and oh how I've been enjoying it. Gout, not so much. Having bad attacks lately.
Other than that, I've been spending more time riding my new motorcycle. Oh how great it is. Love that fucking machine. Still scares the beejeezuz out of me, but I love it.
Actually, I guess I really don't have much to say. I just felt like writing something I guess.
SO what do I do? Say "Offline for 5!" and walk down to the basement to patch up my hand.
Some gauze, paper towels, roll of tape, and a few rubber gloves do my some justice.
There's a lot of blood. Either way, went through the night painfully.
When I get home, I rebandage it slightly better. Here's pictures!

The work bandage

As you can see, there were a lot of things to soak up the blood and provide barriers.

The bandages, after they were taken off.

And my thumb. I got the knuckle, deep. I still can't bend it.

Photos from last night of the healing process
Yay working in kitchens with sharp knives!
Other than that.. a few days in review.

Beer is tasty. I love it so. I've been drinking as much tasty beer as I can lately since as of Monday I won't be drinking for the month of Feb (with the exception of the 6th, it's one of my very good friends weddings, and these thing only happen once a lifetime) and oh how I've been enjoying it. Gout, not so much. Having bad attacks lately.
Other than that, I've been spending more time riding my new motorcycle. Oh how great it is. Love that fucking machine. Still scares the beejeezuz out of me, but I love it.
Actually, I guess I really don't have much to say. I just felt like writing something I guess.
Oh, and there's plenty more where that came from. Just wait til I'm in Seattle and we're drinking gratuitously. You'll be shocked and awed by the drunken half-ramble half-yelling that I'm capable of.