Today is my gout-aversary. It's a special, horrible day. A year full of pain, memories, and horrible hangovers that are only amplified by the horrible disease I have. A quote from a year ago?
"So throughout the day, I spend a lot of time drinking with the chef. We pass bottles of wine back and forth, drinking from the bottle. We do shots of something called the "miracle" to make us feel better. Beer..more wine..and more wine. All to ward off hang overs. I drank so much throughout the entire day.
And at some point during the day..I got the most incredible foot pain.
After having it for many hours..I start sitting down..and cracking some jokes. One of them was "Well! looks like I have the Gout!" so..I start actually thinking about that.
I make a phone call to Miles, who has Gout.
I make a call to my Mom.
I more or less know I actually have gout.
I'm fucking 20, and I have gout. This is like a badge of honor.
A painful, wretched badge of honor. Oh god my foot hurts so fucking bad. I need to get blood work done but yeah, We're all pretty sure I have gout, and I deserved it too with my life style."
True story. That's the day it happened, and it really did happen. I developed gout a year ago. So every time of the year this day? I will celebrate my gout. I will drink whiskey, I will drink beer, and indulge in all the things I shouldn't. It's the only way to celebrate this awesome horrible affliction. I mean, luckily I don't have AIDS and I'm fucking girls on this day unprotected..right?
"So throughout the day, I spend a lot of time drinking with the chef. We pass bottles of wine back and forth, drinking from the bottle. We do shots of something called the "miracle" to make us feel better. Beer..more wine..and more wine. All to ward off hang overs. I drank so much throughout the entire day.
And at some point during the day..I got the most incredible foot pain.
After having it for many hours..I start sitting down..and cracking some jokes. One of them was "Well! looks like I have the Gout!" so..I start actually thinking about that.
I make a phone call to Miles, who has Gout.
I make a call to my Mom.
I more or less know I actually have gout.
I'm fucking 20, and I have gout. This is like a badge of honor.
A painful, wretched badge of honor. Oh god my foot hurts so fucking bad. I need to get blood work done but yeah, We're all pretty sure I have gout, and I deserved it too with my life style."
True story. That's the day it happened, and it really did happen. I developed gout a year ago. So every time of the year this day? I will celebrate my gout. I will drink whiskey, I will drink beer, and indulge in all the things I shouldn't. It's the only way to celebrate this awesome horrible affliction. I mean, luckily I don't have AIDS and I'm fucking girls on this day unprotected..right?
And thank goodness for THAT!
yes yes thank ya kindly