This past wedding season has been a never-ending bitch, but I've finally got a couple months off to stay in the studio and spend time shooting something else!! First up: Enid Lola Cherry Archer, singer for Lola Cherry and the Big Daddies (catch their act on YouTube!) Enid wanted to shoot something besides her usual retro-50's rockabilly pinup style, so we came up with this:
Had some fun at the Minneapolis Tattoo Arts Convention photographing some awesome ink on some beautiful people. Looking forward to working with some of these folks in the near future!
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This new site is horrible. I joined SG in January, 2003, when it was just a year old or so. For the very first time since, I'm considering leaving. As so many others have noted this morning, the old place felt like a community. Now it feels like the bastard child of Facebook and New MySpace. Ugh.
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Chicago Sun-TImes has laid off its entire photo staff:,0,4361142.story
Looks like reporters with iphones are the new photojournalists. What's worse: THEY'RE NOT GOING TO GET PAID. In the digital universe, the main goal for corporate bean counters is to drive costs to zero. That 45 RPM Beatles record I bought in 1964 had to be etched in a piece of vinyl, with a printed...
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Congratulations to the citizens of Colorado and Washington state, who are leading the slow march back to good common sense by voting an end to modern prohibition.
I'm not much one for "Zero Tolerance." There's a place for it (kids packing guns in schools, pedophilia, etc.), but recreational use of soft drugs isn't one...
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Not exactly what Big Daddy...
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And it's June, and the grass is pollinating, and I'm no friend to the grass. I feel like crap every June.
Just shot a rock the dress session with Brittany, my website cover girl, and used some of the resulting pics for a musical slideshow. You...
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