Quite a disheartening evening last night. A girl I met on Monday finally got back to me about getting together and said she was heading to the Ottobar to see the Hot Snakes and I could meet her there. I had no clue who the hot snakes were and whether or not they were a creed-cover band, a grindcore band, or a bunch of guys fartin' on a snare drum, I'd have been there. So I got there about 10:30, she said she'd be there at 11, and I saw my friend Nick and we were shooting the shit. Then she called and said she was running late. Well, she didn't get there until 10 to twelve, we had ten minutes to talk before the band started, and needless to say after that, conversation was sporadic. The band turned out to be really kick-ass, it had some guys from RFTC in it and some other bands, but it was excellent. Afterwards we talked about another 10 minutes and she went home because she had to get up early because the marching band is in a parade for the homecoming shit at Towson U. Yes... she's in marching band, but she is so fucking cool, and she has to take it because ALL music education majors have to take it. I suppose therein lies the problem, the band takes up a ridiculous amount of time. This weekend alone she has the parade, the game to play at tonight, and a competition in allentown, pa sunday. She goes to school all day, works at night and studies. I guess its not meant to be, or schedules just don't work, but I was so hoping they would. She is the first girl who I've talked to that I have the genuine "butterflies in the stomach" and all that kind of stuff. So it goes.
I suppose the one good thing that came out of it was that Nick told me about this party/art show that was going on in Mt. vernon tonight, so at least I have something to do. I guess that's all my life has become... a series of trying to find anything to keep me occupied so I don't contemplate too much. Everything is just a sort of rouse to make me believe things are going to work out, but it's becoming blatantly obvious that it's not going to be that easy. I've come to the realization that in order to move down into the city, I will have to get a second job and work about 25 extra hours a week just to make ends meet and have an extra $100 spending money each month. It is the worst feeling in the world having a supposed full-time "career" that can't support you even in a fucking tiny studio... sorry for the rant, it's just things aren't really too good at the ol' homefront here, especially with all that is going on this weekend. I need a nap i got home at 5 am and had to wake up at 9 because Brad came over to record with me.

I suppose the one good thing that came out of it was that Nick told me about this party/art show that was going on in Mt. vernon tonight, so at least I have something to do. I guess that's all my life has become... a series of trying to find anything to keep me occupied so I don't contemplate too much. Everything is just a sort of rouse to make me believe things are going to work out, but it's becoming blatantly obvious that it's not going to be that easy. I've come to the realization that in order to move down into the city, I will have to get a second job and work about 25 extra hours a week just to make ends meet and have an extra $100 spending money each month. It is the worst feeling in the world having a supposed full-time "career" that can't support you even in a fucking tiny studio... sorry for the rant, it's just things aren't really too good at the ol' homefront here, especially with all that is going on this weekend. I need a nap i got home at 5 am and had to wake up at 9 because Brad came over to record with me.
as far as dating I think baltimore is a bit of a dating wasteland - I rarely met anyone I wanted to go out with (who also wanted to go out with me!) and everyone I DID go out with was a crashing bore. my current boyfriend does not live in baltimore!
I think if she's as awesome as you seem to think she is than you'll come up with something that works, even if it's just making do with what little time you can manage together. good luck with that - xoxox
And as far as things keeping you occupied, get a bigger Buddy list on AIM and get high speed internet when you move... it's all you'll need, I swear.
See you later gator!