This weekend went by way to fast. On Friday, my friend Brad came up and we did some recording in my stuido. We're trying to finish out album by the end of October, and it now looks like that will probably happen.
Saturday I was pretty much so a lazy ass just about all day alternately sleeping and watching movies, bit ended up going to a dinner party at my friend Emma's. This turned out to be an interesting time. First off, anytime you find out some bad things about someone when you thought you knew most of them, thats kind of a mood buster. Then, as I was brooding on the couch, I hear this loud crash and boom, instantly I knew what it was and I hopped up and went out to the landing and saw Emma had feel down the steps. So her friend and I got her in a cleaned up and she was juts a little shaken up with some cuts and stuff.
Sunday I helped starry_eyed move out of her place along with Mercie and BodybagRomance, and Vix' friend Jason. Amazingly everything was packed and we got stuff in the cars in a half an hour. I say amazingly because in all of my moving/helping people move experience, there inevitably is a bunch of stuff that isn't boxed or ready and ends up just getting tossed into the car piecemail, but Vix is a responsible young woman and was ready to roll! We were treated by Vix to a great dinner at ruby tuesdays and were loud and raucous and talked about anal sex at high volumes. mmmmmm anal sex and anal beads.
This coming tuesday: Hardcore Karaoke at Frasiers. Be there or be square bitches. Mercie and I have a little duet planned, and I'll probably to some kinda solo dealy. By chance, it's going to coincide with my birthday, and after ell the shit that's been happening I'm so happy to be spending it with people that rule, and that I can have a good time with.
Saturday I was pretty much so a lazy ass just about all day alternately sleeping and watching movies, bit ended up going to a dinner party at my friend Emma's. This turned out to be an interesting time. First off, anytime you find out some bad things about someone when you thought you knew most of them, thats kind of a mood buster. Then, as I was brooding on the couch, I hear this loud crash and boom, instantly I knew what it was and I hopped up and went out to the landing and saw Emma had feel down the steps. So her friend and I got her in a cleaned up and she was juts a little shaken up with some cuts and stuff.
Sunday I helped starry_eyed move out of her place along with Mercie and BodybagRomance, and Vix' friend Jason. Amazingly everything was packed and we got stuff in the cars in a half an hour. I say amazingly because in all of my moving/helping people move experience, there inevitably is a bunch of stuff that isn't boxed or ready and ends up just getting tossed into the car piecemail, but Vix is a responsible young woman and was ready to roll! We were treated by Vix to a great dinner at ruby tuesdays and were loud and raucous and talked about anal sex at high volumes. mmmmmm anal sex and anal beads.
This coming tuesday: Hardcore Karaoke at Frasiers. Be there or be square bitches. Mercie and I have a little duet planned, and I'll probably to some kinda solo dealy. By chance, it's going to coincide with my birthday, and after ell the shit that's been happening I'm so happy to be spending it with people that rule, and that I can have a good time with.

Yeah, I let Pip have his name back for his birthday. He was supposed to be my bitch until the 8th, but I'm a softie. He did happen to change it back a few hours before the designated time though. And he thought I wouldn't notice 

Snappy Tuesday!