Holy shit... fucking Frasiers in Hampden on Tuesday night is the mutha fuckin' place to be. Hardocre karaoke, hosted by the all mighty senators' Landis Expandis. I headed there with Mercie, her bf James, Matt and Vix and we met Vix's twin sister Deb there and the six of us had the best fucking time I've had in a loooooong time. First off, there was no cover which ruled and the beer was nice and cheap, not to mention the fact that we were already stoned from James' massive glass bong We found a nice table right in the front by the dancefloor and we then procedded to dance around like idiots for the next several hours singing at the top of our lungs with whoever was butchering a song at the time Now I'm not normally a dancing type, but Vix and Deb (quite possibly two of the hottest twins I've ever met- lots of tats and piercings and fucking bad-ass attitudes HAAAAWT!! ) were quite insistant on me dancing. So they pulled me up and soon I was in the mix having the most fun dancing that I ever had. Now I can totally see where Buckykatt gets his enjoyment for "the dance of life" as it were. We probably looked like the biggest bunch of tools but we gave not a fuck! We were dancing all weird and panotmiming the lyrics and then Mercie started making out with Vix and Matt, James and I just about passed the fuck out!! I ended up doing a revival of Folsom Proson Blues a la the SG Philly camping trip, and Deb did a Reba McEntire song and rocked it hardcore. Deb and Vix did quite the line dance to my Cash rendition as well. So then, there was an "all female freestyle rap contest" the winner would get a natty boh t-shirt and a 25 dollar gift certificate to frasiers. So Deb got up first and did a rap version of humpty-dumpty. But then her sister got up there and tore her a new asshole!! She was throwing insults at her and Deb was floored... she didnt know what to think. Since they were the only two to do it, Vix won the shit and was quite proud of embarrassing her sis in front of the entire bar. Afterwards we headed to papermoon for some food and somehow this guy Jay managed to latch onto us. At first he was cool. pictyre this a 6 foot 6 inch tall 140 pound super-out-there gay, jewish black dude?!?!?!? somehting does not compute there He was a riot, then he started hitting on me, a little at first then ultimately culminating in "I would totally suck you off honey." This in the middle of the restaraunt at the table with everyone we were cracking up, but he was dead serious. i thanked him for the flattery but told him i'd pass for now, then he moved onto mattasfuckand we hitting on him. But then for some reason he started being a total jerk, to the waiter especially he was insanely demanding and ended up being an asshole. I guess he got the hint that we were all embarrased of how he was treating the waiter/staff and he payed and left. It definitely made for an interesting dinner though. Wrapping this story up, I ended up getting to bed at 4:15 and waking up at 630. I was bombed today... i snuck into one of the health rooms on my break and took a nap on the couch and felt better, but I'll need another day to recover. This is going to officially be a regular event for us, so if any of you in the area want to have an insanely awesome time come up to frasiers on tuesday! Gotta go for now, my friend Brad is coming up so we can do some recording.
Oh yeah, everyone go see mercie's official SG set!!! She rules and is a badass SG
Oh yeah, everyone go see mercie's official SG set!!! She rules and is a badass SG
excellent choice on the bet my young padawon. all it takes to get tattooed is a phone call muhfucka, you know that. oh and i am at frazier's every tues, so its on weekly. kareoke is life...
line dancing to johnny cash is the shiznit when one is tipsy.