Mercie and I have now officially been in Boston for about 6hours, only 2 and half of which I actually slept. Five Vivran and a soda on the drive up kind of inhibits any chances for a restful repose. The drive up was fairly ueventful, with on glaring exception. When we stopped in Rhode Island to get some gas, in my caffiene induced high, I must have left my wallet sitting on the top of the car at the gas station! So we get back on 95, and about 5 minutes later I realized that I didn't have it. We pulled over to look through the car, and of course a cop pulls up behind us and wanted to know what was going on. He got a kick out of Mercie's "fuck you, you fucking fuck" tanktop and then left. So we turned around and went back to the station. Of course, it wasn't anywhere to be found and the people at the station said they hadn't seen it. So we're driving back to 95 and I was pretty much so under control, when all of a sudden, Mercie says is that it. Lo and behold there it was in the middle of the road! I jumped out and grabbed it and it was EMPTY!!!!! Then I realized that there was a 30 foot long trail of papers and credit cards strewn along the road! Everything was still there, someone must have run over it, or all the shit flew out when it hit the pavement. I consider myself one of the luckiest motherfuckers on earth. I know that JamieLee is going to rub it in that everything always works out for me, but even I don't know how this one got pulled off Also, to make the situation even better, Mercie found the Cursive CD she thought she had left at home so we had a celebratory listen to "The Ugly Organ" and finished our drive up to Boston arriving at about 4am. We stayed up and talked for about another hour to AmethystFaust and Amethystula who are totally awesome hosts, with a totally awesome downtown Boston apartment. I'm definitely psyched about the party tonight and I'll update later with some pics of the ride up and the par-tay.