Hmm...I've never done a blog of any kind before. No , wait, that's a lie. I was in a band once which had a website..and some people who actually read it (!), and we had this idea that we would all do our own little blogs on the site. Of course it fizzled out because it seems you end up writing things simply for the sake of writing something. As opposed to waiting until something exciting happens, and THEN writing about that. Though some of the journals on this site are about pretty mundane things, and still quite intereresting. I guess it just helps if you have some actual writing ability (I don't think I ever did).

i think i saw good steve at brutopia on st pattys but i was pretty wasted nad i dont think i said hi. Im moving from the pointe to either the plateau or st henri in a few weeks. Need new (cheap) digs.
[Edited on Apr 07, 2006 7:52PM]
Yeah, it's been pretty much same old, same old for me. Still working at the same place and still playing the banjo, though, I'm not playing with anyone at the moment... it's funny, I practice more when I'm not in a band. Anyhoo... I'd like to get back into a band, though. I remember talking with JC awhile back (it was one of those we-should-get-a-band-going conversations musicians have after having a few beers). But JC expressed interest in doing more folk and country than I'd be interested in. I like classic country just fine, but don't find much of a place for a 5-string picker like me. I especially don't want to play folk... Being a purist limits who I play with and who plays with me. I have gotten more open minded, however... I've always been into rockabilly and lately, I've been thinking about getting a hybrid rockabilly/bluegrass thing happening... It'd be pretty cool, I think... kind of like rockin' rockabill with banjo. It'd be awesome.