Ok, so moneys tight for the next month, canceling but ill be back, email me at liquidice1985@msn.com if you want to tell me something, Ill be back, Baby. lol
Awww....that sux frown I hope you come back soon!
So, its been like.. a month since my last post. Im out of the food thing and I started my new job 2 weeks ago, I was at the head of my trainign class, and I got promoted on friday, my first day out of training smile I still have to do the original job, but Im also going to be handling IT for the entire...
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OMG you've had like life-changing events!!! I was beginning to wonder where the heck you've been! Glad to hear that the job is going very well for you. So if you're getting your car soon will you be heading up this way? confused
So, i have a job interview tommorow. short and sweet cuz im hoping to sleep early. wish me luck.
I know the interview was almost 2 weeks ago, silly! I thought you had started already...what is it that you will be doing? You never told me what KIND of job it is tongue
That sounds awesome! Good for you! I'm glad to hear you are going to be out of the fast food industry AND finishing up your degree while you're at it. I hope the pay is better, too. Did you ever find a car...I have been scouting around but I can't seem to find anything for $1G that I would recommend to you. People are sketchy out here when selling their cars.
Im eating Cherries!!! . The best thing about summer. period. <3 cherries.
Yes, I would agree that Alton Brown is also oddly attractive biggrin I think it's his humor that makes him so.
Its early, i havent slept and im watching a sappy romance movie. Its about two best friends, ones gay, one is straight. the gay one moves away, is living with a woman and the straight one comes to stay with them, straight and woman fall in love, eventually its like a 3 person parenthood when they end up with a kid, move into a house...
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I think when you are really in love with someone you just know that if they were to ever leave you would be devastated. I don't think that love is really signified by the sappiness and gushiness that you experience when you first meet, although sometimes that lasts for a very long time. Loving someone means you can put up with their habits, love them no matter what they look like, and not put conditions on your relationship.

Don't worry, hun...it took me a long time to "get it" too. You are not incapable of it, just very selective biggrin
LMAO!!! biggrin biggrin The restraining order! That's too funny! I never thought of that but perhaps I should mention that to him (in a playful manner, of course biggrin ) next time he tries to make unwanted advances. I think he's still stuck in a timewarp where I'm 15 and he's 19 again and we're dating. Guess some people never move on! surreal
So how was everyones 4th? Mine was Nifty. Hanging out at a friends house, lots of folks. amazingly noone got really drunk, except that one guy. lol Shot off some fireworks, did that sort of thing. Anyway, I went to club hell last night again, that was fun, If it werent for drinking about 1.5 gallons of water at bickfords afterwards (and amazing the friends...
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Glad your 4th was enjoyable. I did nothing that day which was fine by me. I really had no desire to go out and get eaten alive by mosquitoes and deal with annoying children screaming when the fireworks went off. Plus, I was dog-sitting and wanted to spend as much time with the little guy as possible before I had to return him biggrin

Drinking lots of water...smart move! wink biggrin
So, I clubbed twice this week, worked like, 53-54 hours, slept maybe 30 hours.. Im tired, wired and cant put out the fire! mwahaha lol. I cant sleep lol.

Last night I met Sid Suicide, she kicks ass. lol

How is everyone this morning? I need some funny entertainign comments ot keep me up! everyone clap if you believe in faeries! lol.

I heard this...
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Sleep is overrated sometimes....smile
What Would Jesus Do Drunk? ehh ehh do I win??? biggrin biggrin biggrin
So, I have this entertaining Idea. I found on ebay, a store that sells cheap superhero spandex lycra costumes. I want to buy a few, and send them to my coworkers houses, with notes attached, something alone the lines of "Rendevous here, at this time" Signed by like, "The new JLA" or something. haha. Im bored, i havent slept tonight tongue
i want one
that sounds wicked funny! do it and take photos!!!
So, putting aside the fact that I may very well push away the two people i have some interest in that are on this site, Im suffering from another bout of insomnia, and Im thinking.

I know Im young, im 21. But I have problems getting dates, I have problems getting second dates, keeping women interested, knowing what is interesting to a woman, etc. etc....
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I have not been around all weekend (visiting the parents in NY) so I hope you aren't referring to pushing me away frown
Marriage is a really difficult thing. I mean I swore I would never get divorced but alas, I fell prey to it too. It's hard to be with someone forever, and sometimes I'm not even sure we are meant to be with one person forever. As for meeting girls, you definitely have a great personality and you are very attractive. Maybe if you just try to be friends for awhile and not think "is this a potential girlfriend?" things might go smoother. I know it's always worked for me. smile
LOL I agree with you 100%