So heres the thing. I like older women, lol. I do. What is so bad about that? I am sooo tired of approaching someone in thier early 30's and them running away because im young. For being older, why is that so few women will take the time to see that I am not an immature little boy? Its getting Pretty aggrivating. I spend my nights sitting online trying to find women online, so that i can introduce myself without giving away my age right away. Its not that I dont like younger girls, sometimes. But I feel like I click with the older crowd better. Anyway, my question for you ladies that I talk to.. Where can i go to meet openminded individuals like yourself? (Yes, i know i have the major drawback of my car being out of service for a little longer. Im sure that will be a big help, lol.)
Who are the pics of?

Oh I thought the red and black costume was pretty cool