So I didn't get to go on the beach ride...
it rained. I have been working alot 2-5 hours at the ranch because the owners are gone. And I still go to work for 8+ hours at Petsmart. Work is going as smoothly as I want it to be. And home life is going good as well. I had to by new clippers which is upsetting because the ones that broke are not even a year old...I am going to have to ship them off to get looked at
4 more payments on my horse and she is MINE!!!
P.S. If i left anything out that you would like to know drop a question

P.S. If i left anything out that you would like to know drop a question

Never buy a Ruiz Diaz or any Argentinian saddle the trees Ive seen out of Argentinian saddles are scary the metal work is made from recylcled tin cans and trees in Indian saddles fall to dust when you take them out of the saddle.
Anyway I can put you in touch with a cheap saddler (well cheap compared to retail) if you need a new one sometime. Cheers Zedx