My house is clean and the dishes done. I am in a good mood 12 more dogs and I am starting the practicals on thursday. I am tired because my head has been hurting. And I haven't been sleeping well. I have a question. If I tell someone to leave me alone and don't clean anything, and they start snapping at me because I said so and they started cleaning anyway do they deserve being told agian with an attitude? Because this is what I did. I am tired of going behind everyone and doing it agian. Why should I give a shit if they do it anyway. If they aren't going to do it right why should I be happy that they are doing it at all? The chore wheel didn't work and well me assigning chores to a roomates kid like vaccuming and taking out the trash and recyables. AND HE DOES IT HALF ASS! And still expects me to give him points on his chore lists. I told him SORRY NO GOLD STARS FROM ME! Not unless you do it right. It isn't like I didn't walk him through it several times before. So I am taking it away. He isn't my kid and I am tired of raising him.
~Sorry had to blow off steam
~Sorry had to blow off steam

I don't think my ducky would blend in... one of my roomates might pick it up and figure it out. But isn't that thing the greatest? My first sex toy ever.
I think its cute that you had a chore wheel, btw. That just shows that you're a probelm solver, girl!