Sooooo, it has been 9 days and my breast are sensitive. As I look deeper into the side effects for Clomid I find that breast senstivity does effect some people. So....I went to the dr's office droped off some urine to see if maybe just maybe I might be pregs and they said no.....but alas it has only been 8 days yesterday. They said if I still don't hit my cycle by the end of next week to come in and do a blood test. My partner took the news worse than I did she was so upset yesterday to find out we weren't expecting. We both want a family so bad.
We have already started wondering who we are going to invite for the baby shower. We are up to 56 people with out guests and yes it is a co-ed party. Now where to hold it and where I can put a bounce house
I am going to invite kids as well. but if I am pregs now I will be due in January. Some Random Caculator told me the 17th :eep: I already have 2 major birthdays in January My mom's is on the 13th and Jodis (my partners) is the 12th. I am going to wait for a theme when I know the sex of the baby.
I contacted a family friend to do a quilt for the baby (as soon as we have one) and I need tattoo material. I am going to be looking all over the net for some. I would like sheet and everything ( Scully M.D said this to me the other day on the phone and I thought about it and it would be bad ass if they were like old sailor tattoo's with pin up girls too WOOT!)
one more week till I am 27
YEAAA! it just matters on the preg test on the 7th to know what we are going to do....I will prolly go to the movies and dinner with my baby. U might even go to bingo with Scully M.D because it is free
on your birthday
Anywho Still keeping postivie today
thinking happy thoughts of pitter Patter of little feet

We have already started wondering who we are going to invite for the baby shower. We are up to 56 people with out guests and yes it is a co-ed party. Now where to hold it and where I can put a bounce house

I contacted a family friend to do a quilt for the baby (as soon as we have one) and I need tattoo material. I am going to be looking all over the net for some. I would like sheet and everything ( Scully M.D said this to me the other day on the phone and I thought about it and it would be bad ass if they were like old sailor tattoo's with pin up girls too WOOT!)
one more week till I am 27

Anywho Still keeping postivie today

Happy Happy Birthday!!
I am keeping on thinking good baby thoughts for ya luv