I feel great now thank you so much everyone for the get well soon messages. Work is going great soon I will have more time to catch up with everyone. I just got my check from my horse being sold
I am going to open a retirement accnt, because the goverment is cutting down on Social security, I don't even know if there is going to be anything for my mother when she retires. I am going to fix the top on my car as soon as the check clears. I AM SOOOO HAPPY!!!! Jodi and I haven't had a fight in a long time we are growing closer. I am betting on some hello kitty stuff on ebay and I got some stationary fro SANRIO today at the salinas mall. I went with my best friend to lane bryant....I LOVE THAT STORE....I just can't fit into anything. I am so proud of her she is down to a size 24!!!!!!!!! YEAAAAAAA MILLIE!!!!! I love her so much and I am so proud when she loses 50 lbs I am going to buy her a bike because I don't want her to platue (sp) to much......I love all of you guys and I would just like to point out that I LOVE THE PEN PAL GROUP!!!!!
's to all you hot ladies and gents!!!!

i dont drink coffee, but the tea is tasty!