thursday morning....
Call came in from my sponsor. I had applied to a SM leather Club. The process isnt easy and it isnt a easy shoe in. In fact I heard not all that apply get accepted.
The call I received was in return to some questions I had about applicant weekend. (this weekend)
He goes oh by the way we took a vote on you......
You are a member. I couldnt beleive it,,,,Chicago hellfire club.. I am extremely happy and proud....
What a great way to end a day yesterday......
What a great way to start today with new friends..
Call came in from my sponsor. I had applied to a SM leather Club. The process isnt easy and it isnt a easy shoe in. In fact I heard not all that apply get accepted.
The call I received was in return to some questions I had about applicant weekend. (this weekend)
He goes oh by the way we took a vote on you......
You are a member. I couldnt beleive it,,,,Chicago hellfire club.. I am extremely happy and proud....
What a great way to end a day yesterday......
What a great way to start today with new friends..

esme: do you find out about these things in the first place?

It really is quite easy. All you have to do is ask....